Personalized Recommendations & Search

Stop searching and start finding

Showcase your content

Boost engagement with our highly engaging personalized search and recommendation engine Xaynia. This specialized AI solution efficiently cuts through the noise to showcase the best-matching content. Xaynia protects data privacy, learns in real-time, and does not require explicit user interaction like a log-in or selection of preferences.

Privacy-protecting personalization

Xaynia combines accuracy, energy- and cost-efficiency with privacy. Xaynia moves with its Natural Language Processing technology from matching to understanding its users’ search queries and their context and delivers highly accurate results tailored to individual preferences. With personalization proven to increase revenue and achieve higher retention rates, Xaynia addresses the needs of companies with large outward-facing knowledge bases from sectors such as media, e-commerce, or travel.

Plug & play

Xaynia enables personalized recommendations on websites and apps and suggests relevant content for personalized push notifications and newsletters. You can easily implement the Xaynia plug-in via API to provide your customers with a smooth and individually personalized user experience.

See our documentation to get started today.

Book a call now

Do you want to learn more about how easily you can boost engagement and retention to the next level? Let’s find out how we can help you to cut through the noise.