Artificial Intelligence for the public sector

If we want to future-proof the state and its administration and make them more efficient, we need technology. The Coronavirus pandemic has shown that the digitalisation of public authority structures in Germany still falls far short of expectations. In the coming years, it will therefore be important to consistently digitalise the public authorities and administration at the federal, state, and local level.

Artificial intelligence (AI) holds great potential for this digitalisation effort. Machine learning and AI can contribute significantly to optimising and automating decision-making processes in administrations, organisations, and institutions, so that they become faster and more cost-effective. With the help of AI, public administrations can provide their internal and external services in a more targeted, tailored and simple manner.

In the position paper, the authors outline one of the most promising approaches, known as Masked Federated Learning, and explain its application in the public sector using the examples of healthcare and law enforcement.

Read the entire position paper here.


Extreme compression of sentence-transformer ranker models


Künstliche Intelligenz für den öffentlichen Sektor